Sunday, 14 February 2010

A Small Puddle

I think I need a new look. For too long I have languished in longjohns and bootees, an attenuated toddler with uncombable hair. I wear Snout's underwear and ramshackle trousers and I smell like an old man, of tobacco and wool. Every day I see the college students, poreless and fauny, loping off for another day of i-pods and meow-meow and nubile frottage and I think it's time to get some glamour back into my life, somewhere between the smoke and the snooze.

So I dictate this to my handmaiden from a bath of gin and olive brine, my shellacked lips fellating a pink cocktail cigarette, my talons lacquered carapace green. A clingfilm-clad dreamboat feeds me anchovies and tongue and when I rise queen-like from my salty mire he rubs me down with kittens. Herons dress me in a gown of baby locks and little skin slippers with curled up toes and my suitors' sighs dry my hair, my hair that falls starfish-studded right down to the ground.

Spangled piglets carry my train as I slink from dressing room to boudoir, where I am met by my hooded butler and a flagon of eggnog and ambergris. I sink into the cat-belly cushions of my solid sugar chaise longue and look lazily at the cabinets and the boys and girls inside. I point to the one I like the look of least and run a comb through my hair.


  1. What's it like to be so brilliant? Does it taste sweet and sour or rich and creamy?

  2. If you ever decide to moonlight as a personal stylist catering only to the particular needs of the fashion-backward, call me. But please don't quit your day job as the mistress of grubby and gorgeous writing.

  3. And that is exactly how you should be living, Sack Posset.

  4. Ellie- Not to be too crude, but it tastes just like my marvellous cunt.

    Bea - You can be my first client - I'm working on a cunning Spam hat.

    Anonymous - How exciting! A mystery comment! You had better not be Martin Amis, though, 'cause I'm getting pretty sick of that guy stalking me. Same goes for Michael Aspel.

    gamefaced - Right back at you, darlingheart.

  5. I figured it out--you're the love child of Tim Burton and Lewis Carroll.

  6. So it was you that I saw the other day, in Marks and Spencer's.

  7. sack, i was gonna make some relatively pleasant comment about yr pome and then i read yr comment above about being brilliant tasting like yr "marvellous cunt" and you kinda blew my mind. if anyone ever asks me that question, ima quote you.
