Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Hot Lesbian Action

At the top of the back staircase in the east wing of my mind, there is a secret attic where I keep a pretty girl. She lives among the furniture that doesn't fit elsewhere, the rusting wrought iron daybed and the mahogany commode, the elephant's foot umbrella stand and the spavined rocking horse.

I pop up there from time to time to tease the ribbons from her hair, to lie her down on the candlewick covers of her musty single bed. She is the paper ghosts of peonies, a scentless potpourri. We share moth wine and macaroons and kiss like kittens beneath a dusty bust of me. When I am gone she sleeps again, barely breathing on a drift of shredded lace.


  1. You are a superb writer, Sack Posset. Every detail.

  2. pretty girls are only safe kept out of plain view. and 'paper ghosts of peonies..' this is why i love you.

  3. "paper ghosts of peonies, a scentless potpourri" stands out for me too. that's some fuckin' poetry right there!

  4. Very erotic; stylish as ever.

  5. Lustful and decrepit. One of my favourites yet.

  6. this poem is lovely, and the title serves as a great/ironic lead-in -

  7. You're lucky. The girl in the attic of my mind is sly, sunning and quite frankly, a bit mad. She shoots arrows at me every time I pop my head up top of the ladder.

  8. You can all come up and see her any time you want. She'll do anything for a few pages from your diary.

    Best fishes

    Sack Posset xyz
